This will be short and probably not very entertaining. I'm actually embarrassed that I'm even about to write it, but I have some time to kill, and it's been annoying me so screw it, here we go.
I'm only 32. I'm not really "old" by your standard definitions. I have no major medical concerns, nor unexplained grumpiness towards specific demographics of people (except Canadians), and I'm still known to stay out until the sun comes out on a weekend, getting way too drunk for anyone's well-being. I'd like to think I still live a pretty "young" lifestyle, but there is one thing that keeps bothering me lately; unless it's a weekend, I can't stay up late enough for any major sporting event. I just can't do it.
This poses a problem for somebody like me who decided years ago to make sports a major part of his life (like so many others in this country, of course). Game times never used to be a huge issue for me. Sabres on a west coast road trip with 10pm starts? Of course I'm watching. NCAA tourney games starting at 10:45? Let's do it. Monday Night Football Jaguars Vs. Raiders? Sure, why not? None of this used to matter to me, even if I had to be up early the next morning.
Now? I haven't made it to the end of a MNF game in almost three years. I'd like to say it's my lack of interest in these games and larger concern for sleep, but now that's even been disproved from this year's NBA Finals. Once the Bills were obviously headed for another playoff-less season and the Sabres showed what a bunch of losers they were, I began investing myself in the NBA. Not just my New York Knicks mind you, but the league in general. What followed has been a huge appreciation for a league that I truly feel is the most entertaining of the big four (Basketball, Baseball, Football, & Women's Lacrosse. I gots hockey jokes!) The NBA playoffs have been wildly entertaining in both conferences and at the beginning of these finals between the Spurs and the Heat, I could not have been more excited....then I fell asleep during the 3rd quarter of game one.
What's that?
Most the game times were at 9pm then, too?
Oh. Well.....shit.
I am getting old.
That's all there is to it. Most the time when I'm picking between more sleep and a sporting event, I'm going with sleep. And now, even when I think I'm staying up "late" to watch a game, I can't even do it. Shit, I don't even have kids yet! At this pace, by the time I'm 40 I'm not even going to make it through pre-game warm-ups (which isn't necessarily a bad thing if Bill Simmons and Mike Wilbon are still employed). Of the six complete games of this series, I have successfully made it through only half of them in their entirety. And honestly, that's only because both Sunday games had 8pm start times, and last Friday I got to go into work later than usual. That's why despite my hopes and dreams of the Gregg Popovich's Spurs topping the Heat and sticking it to David Stern last night, I'm a little glad they lost. Thinking about it, I would have missed the final game of the season AND would have been a zombie the rest of the week. Now with the final game in the series on Thursday and a day of nothing at work on Friday, I can go balls-to-the-wall for the big 7 and worry about catching up on sleep over the weekend. This is what I've become. Planning my sleep patterns days in advance if I simply want to stay up and watch one stinkin' game. This sucks.
Ah fuck it, pass me a metamucil and vodka and let's get the party started....but leave me alone from 4 - 5 in the afternoon, that's my catnap time.