Content here at DGWU Sports has been lacking as of late, but have no fear! I have decided to rescue you from boredom by doing what I do best: Taking faceless internet potshots at people I don't know and acting as if I am superior to them. Yaaaaaaaaaay, confidence booster! /gross pelvic thrusts.
I could always write about the ongoing issue of the crowd noise at the First Niagara Center, but then I realized I actually enjoy writing and that would cause me to stab myself in the face with a pen knife....repeatedly. The fact that there have been so many blog posts and articles written about the crowd noise at the arena, and the way people get so unbelievably over passionate about both sides of the argument is FUCKING HYSTERICAL to me. It is amazing that people take this stuff so personal. I think it does matter, ultimately, but I really could give two shits. This is what happens when dealing with so many post lockout fans. THEY ARE THE WORST! REMEMBER THE AUD!!!! DEATH STAAAAAAAAAAIRS!!!
Back to the point of this jerky jerkface post I'm about to present to you. If you read this site, you probably hate the Buffalo News writers as much as we do. Furthermore, if you are like ME, then when you read the comment section of TBN, you probably have uncontrollable ragestorms™ of hate that make you want to immediately strangle the person who wrote them. It becomes difficult to imagine that these people managed to operate a computer and actually spend time posting worthless comments about worthless columns that washed up/fat/lazy/possible red dots on google map "journalists" shat out that very day. Calmer than you are dude.
I could leave this alone, and just make the occasional snarky comment on twitter about how moronic the comments are, OR, I can search out the best ones and re-post them on here for everybody to see, as I make fun of them with absolutely zero repercussions headed my way. I chose to stick with articles about the Sabres for today. This should be fun, and yes, I am an awful person.
"Look at this way could always align yourselves with the Leafs. There's always plenty to complain about up there!" - Chris K. Buffalo, NY
First of all, "nega-fan"? Is this a real term on commentator pages? Incredible. Sounds racist to me. This is one of those classic putdowns from die-hards. STOP COMPLAINING AND CHEER FOR (enter rival here) INSTEAD OF HOLDING THE TEAM YOU SHELL THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OUT TO ACCOUNTABLE FOR A MOSTLY SHITTY SEASON BLEEEEEEEEEEEERG!
"At least the team is worth watching again, after such dismal play from Nov. thru Feb.! Let's cheer the team we have and let next year happen after this season is over! God Bless Rick Martin!" - Joer N. Williamsville, NY
If you ever want to talk about the Sabres and get my repsect, never start with "at least". For example, after the infamous Bob Corkum trade, I'm sure somewhere in W-ville this guy was saying "At least Darcy made a move!" Fuck you and stop using Rick Martin's name in vain.
"some day someone (terry) might listen to the (NEGA FANS) and cean house!! Every one gets all goose bumby cuz they won a few games little late boys!! - Rick H. - Las Vegas, NV
Again with the racism! At least this guy is on point about ceaning house. Who needs to be goose bumby!
And again from Mike Harrington's article, "Miller's words help close out big win."
"Let's Go B U F F A L O! It's been 42 years, I hope it won't be too much longer with the parade down Main St and Washington streets." - Jack B. - Stoney Creek, Ontario
I don't quite understand the spacing out of Buffalo. Does Jack spell out all of his favorite team names when he gets excited? Then again, I'm just happy Jack can spell. It was probably just a mistake from a longtime internet user.
"Hi There @ the Buffalo news I sent a comment about 20 minutes ago, can you tell me when it will appear? Thanks Canada Jack B, Stoney Creek, Canada." - Jack B. - Stoney Creek, Ontario
Dear Jack, who I assume is over the age of 65 or under the age of 7. If you have questions about your comments posting, it probably is not the best idea to post your question in the same exact comment area. Try e-mailing. Or snail mail. Or asking yourself why anyone in their right mind would be this concerned about their original comment actually being posted.
Could be all-stars? Could NOT live up to the hype? My mind is blown. This gets me thinking....Ryan Miller could play well in the next game....OOOOOOOR he might not! INSIGHT!
Another great one by Darcy...........congrats...." - Glenn B. - North Collins, NY
From shitface Bucky Gleason's article "Who knows where this Sabres team can go?"
"Two weeks you declared the Sabres dead and that Pegula should fire the GM and blow up the team." - Harry K. - Hooksett, NH
No, Harry. That was the venomous bloggers who said that. Bucky's face was full of crullers and he had icing all over his fingers.
"Next season the Sabres better not fail to show up for 60% of the season and they better not lose in the first round of the playoffs again. - Matt P. - Palmyra, NY
Is that a threat, Matt? Ted Black don't take kindly to threats, you maggot! By the way, Matty P. here was ALL OVER every article I read. He should just start a Buffalo blog full of negative energy and hate and then....nevermind.
Hmmmm. Does he choke in the playoffs? Does he have brittle bones and a coke problem? How about enjoying fellatio from under-age teen girls on Chippewa or from dorky bloggers? Yes? Then this is a fair assessment, my friend.
Follow me on twitter @TheScizz and tell me what an asshole I am. I also enjoy cyber-hugs!
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