Oh look, another podcast! Well, since it has become more and more difficult as of late to get the band together in the same recording space for CrapTastiCasts, and due to the success (???) of our other spin-off podcasts the Legal Limit, and Apostles of Bob, Barrister and I decided to get together and form our own brand. What did we come up with? Sadness. Lots of Sadness. Infinite sadness if you will, won't you?
With the Sabres season over, whiny TBNers crying about worthless press conferences, and the Mets playing shitty baseball again, there is just so much to be absolutely sad about. Thus, we bring you the new DGWU Sports podcast creation, Infinite Sadness. We curse and make inappropriate jokes, so as always, NSFPOLAW (Not safe for playing out loud at work).
I think we're on to something here, so take a listen and enjoy. All music this week is from the Smashing Pumpkins.
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