You have to be fucking kidding me.
It must be fate, this weird and coincidental tendency of the universe to shit all over the teams I love, particularly at the very moment my interest is piqued and begins to peak (homophones stand up!!).
Yesterday, looking at the dearth of content for the site during the week ahead - what with the shit sandwiches that are our Buffalo Sabres and Buffalo Bills - I thought it best to talk about my beloved Liverpool, trolling Fulham fans be damned. Certainly, the squad looks (or looked, until yesterday) like it could challenge for a top 4 spot, and I think the fanbase should be allowed to briefly revel in the joys of recent victories and the hope of victories to come. It's almost Christmas, after all, and I wanted - at the very least - to see the team storm strong towards a second half of the season which inspires hope, rather than misery and dread.
Which isn't to say that I won't touch on some happy-ish things later in this post. Just I have something to get off my chest first.