I've been moping all over the place for the past several days. I've felt despair, anger, frustration, hate, denial....every bad emotion I've learned to swallow as a tried and true Buffalo fan. The near-medical emergency hangovers (back to back, mind you) didn't help the situation either. I even picked a minor skirmish with KateBits on the twidiot machine (and realized what a moron I sounded like when my phone thankfully crapped out on me. Again, apologies KB....UNITE!) Before I sat down to write a doom & gloom post, I happened to look on the TBN site for the 3rd time today and realized I hadn't checked the Bucky Gleason column.
Sabres on the motherfucking warpath.
I think my hangover just broke.
I'm off to the game.
Hasek Jersey, with Glory.
Fuck and Yes.