While Yachtsman was busy putting a silly little hobbit in his place yesterday, Joe Pinzone had me on his Talkamania podcast and we talked a whole bunch about the Bills, Fitz, Mario, the shitty defense and our obsession with football players justifying the money someone else pays them.
For serious, it ran a little long, but that'll happen.
Sunday was bad. Really bad. But we're doing it again this weekend and the catharsis of chatting about these not-so-lovable losers is the best way to get me through the weekday doldrums and start to feel ok about sitting down for another potential ass-kicking.
Maybe I really am insane. Maybe the silly little hobbit was right. ... Nah, fuck it. Everything about everything I do is unassailable. All. Day. Long.
While you're listening to these spoken word hot takes, be sure to check out the litany of content over at Buffalo Wins.